21 March 2011

My newest additions.

Two weeks ago if you had asked me about my couch I would have replied, don't have one. However, if you  asked me if I spending all my time and money finding the two pieces above my answer would be yes.

The first photo is an ad done by Andy Warhol for Chanel just prior to his death. And due to the sensitivity surrounding those events the ad was not published until 1997. Most of Warhol's art is available in poster form but because Chanel owns the copyright, this particular print is not available. Unfortunately, my glorified secretary job does not pay enough for me buy an original ad combined with the issue that I couldn't let it go so OF COARSE I had to track down a bootleg print.  A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Currently it's framed in my bedroom but I can't wait for the day when I put it in my fantastic "powder room" where it will forever reside (until I get the real one).

Painting No. 2 is by Bernadette Pascua; an artist who does watercolors for the likes of Vanity Fair, Glamour, ect. Now, my glorified secretary position might not break the bank but there are perks to working for an architect and his artist wife. I gave a copy of the photo to Amy (wife) and she made me a replica. She is also teaching me how do watercolors myself. She's fantastic.

So at the end of a busy day I sit on my hardwood floors and stare at my newest additions. Just kidding. My parents came in town last weekend and insisted on the purchase of a couch. Which I let them do the honors of because I'm saving for a new piece that's in commission (below).

I don't know who makes it but I can't live without it.

(Source of photo no.3 via Lonny Magazine)

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